
Avast security for mac with mac catalina
Avast security for mac with mac catalina

avast security for mac with mac catalina
  1. #Avast security for mac with mac catalina pdf#
  2. #Avast security for mac with mac catalina code#

Impact: Opening a PDF file may lead to unexpected app terminationĭescription: A denial-of-service issue was addressed with improved memory handling.ĬVE-2023-32395: Arsenii Kostromin (0x3c3e)

#Avast security for mac with mac catalina code#

Impact: Processing a 3D model may lead to arbitrary code executionĭescription: An out-of-bounds write issue was addressed with improved bounds checking.ĬVE-2023-32380: Mickey Jin for: macOS VenturaĬVE-2023-32355: Mickey Jin for: macOS Ventura Impact: Processing a 3D model may result in disclosure of process memoryĬVE-2023-32368: Mickey Jin Michael DePlante of Trend Micro Zero Day Initiative Impact: An app may be able to modify protected parts of the file systemĭescription: A logic issue was addressed with improved state management.ĬVE-2023-32369: Jonathan Bar Or of Microsoft, Anurag Bohra of Microsoft, and Michael Pearse of MicrosoftĬVE-2023-32405: Thijs Alkemade from Computest Sector 7 Impact: An app may bypass Gatekeeper checksĭescription: A logic issue was addressed with improved checks.ĬVE-2023-32352: Wojciech Reguła of SecuRing (wojciechregula.blog) Impact: An app may be able to gain root privilegesĭescription: A race condition was addressed with improved state handling.ĬVE-2023-32413: Eloi Benoist-Vanderbeken from Synacktiv working with Trend Micro Zero Day Initiative Impact: A sandboxed app may be able to observe system-wide network connectionsĭescription: The issue was addressed with additional permissions checks.ĬVE-2023-27940: James Duffy (mangoSecure)

avast security for mac with mac catalina

Impact: An app may be able to execute arbitrary code with kernel privilegesĭescription: A type confusion issue was addressed with improved checks. Impact: An app may be able to cause unexpected system termination or read kernel memoryĬVE-2023-32420: Linus Henze of Pinauten GmbH () Impact: An app may be able to leak sensitive kernel state Impact: Processing an image may lead to arbitrary code executionĭescription: A buffer overflow was addressed with improved bounds checking.ĬVE-2023-32384: Meysam Firouzi working with Trend Micro Zero Day Initiative

avast security for mac with mac catalina

Impact: Processing an image may result in disclosure of process memoryĭescription: An out-of-bounds read was addressed with improved input validation.ĬVE-2023-32372: Meysam Firouzi of Mbition mercedes-benz innovation lab working with Trend Micro Zero Day Initiative

avast security for mac with mac catalina

Impact: A remote attacker may be able to cause unexpected app termination or arbitrary code executionĭescription: A use-after-free issue was addressed with improved memory management.ĬVE-2023-32387: Dimitrios Tatsis of Cisco TalosĬVE-2023-32414: Mickey Jin for: macOS Ventura Impact: An unauthenticated user may be able to access recently printed documentsĭescription: An authentication issue was addressed with improved state management. Impact: An app may be able to read sensitive location informationĭescription: The issue was addressed with improved handling of caches.ĭescription: This issue was addressed with improved redaction of sensitive information.ĬVE-2023-28191: Mickey Jin for: macOS Ventura Impact: An app may be able to observe unprotected user dataĭescription: A privacy issue was addressed with improved handling of temporary files. Impact: An app may be able to break out of its sandboxĭescription: The issue was addressed with improved checks.ĬVE-2023-32371: James Duffy (mangoSecure) Impact: Entitlements and privacy permissions granted to this app may be used by a malicious appĭescription: This issue was addressed with improved checks.ĬVE-2023-32400: Mickey Jin for: macOS Venturaĭescription: This issue was addressed with improved entitlements. Impact: An app may be able to bypass Privacy preferencesĭescription: A privacy issue was addressed with improved private data redaction for log entries.ĬVE-2023-32388: Kirin for: macOS Ventura

Avast security for mac with mac catalina